Burak Teyyare
02.02.1994 I was born in Istanbul Fatih, my hometown is Samsun/Terme and my mother’s side is from Giresun Bulancak. I continued my education in different parts of the country because my father was a civil servant. I spent my primary school years in Aydın Söke and middle school years in Bursa Yenişehir. My high school life started at Kocaeli Social Sciences High School and ended at Kırıkkale Anatolian High School. My university life started at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Law and ended at Çankaya University Faculty of Law. I did my military service as the head of Korkuteli Military Branch and Korkuteli Garrison Commander. After the military service, we opened our office in Zincirlikuyu with 3 partners under the name ATA Law Office and we continue our work.