Civil Society Village


The platform, formed by non-governmental organizations from all over Turkey, has started work on the "Civil Society Village" project, which will consist of 252 prefabricated buildings of 24 square meters and social areas in Hatay's Samandağ district, which was affected by earthquakes.

On February 6, our country faced the disaster of the century. First 7.7 and then 7.6 earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş caused devastation in 11 provinces. Of course, it is not possible to bring back those who lost their lives in this great disaster in which we lost tens of thousands of people. But it is possible to heal the wounds of our citizens who survived the earthquake disaster. Acting with this awareness, NGOs, citizens, institutions and organizations are continuing their collective aid efforts as if a mobilization has been launched in the earthquake region. In particular, everyone is trying to do whatever they can, from confederations, federations and associations, where Istanbul-based NGOs, the locomotive of the Turkish economy, stand out.

As a result of the preliminary work we have done as CIVIL NGOs;
Within the borders of Hatay province, Samandağ district, we decided to stand by our earthquake victims with the project "81 Provinces, 81 Neighborhoods, CIVIL SOCIETY VILLAGE".
Our goal is for civil society organizations in each province to build at least one house.
We know that both our provinces and districts have already implemented such projects.
With this in mind, we are all putting our hands on the line for the realization of our project. The name of this project that all civil society organizations came together is "CIVIL SOCIETY VILLAGE",

The Prefabricated City, which will be established on a 15,000 m2 land allocated by the Coordinator Governor in Hatay Samandağ, will initially provide temporary shelter for 144 earthquake victims. Infrastructure works are in full swing in the prefabricated city where social facilities such as kindergarten, dining hall, masjid, sports field are also considered.

So how did we get to this stage?

The commission consisting of Turan Sayar, President of Amasya Federation of Associations, Mesut Koca, President of Darıca Federation of Associations, Yaşar Saka, President of Sakarya Federation of Associations and Ziya Öncan, President of Zonguldak Federation of Associations first traveled 2,800 km and met with the relevant Coordinator Governor of Hatay and determined the area where the prefabricated city will be established. As the works continued, it was decided to build 108 more prefabricated houses on an area of 10,000 m2 upon increasing demand and the contract was signed.

The entire infrastructure of the CIVIL COMMUNITY VILLAGE Project is being built by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Infrastructure in coordination with the governorship.

Today, we are launching the CIVIL SOCIETY VILLAGE Project with the heads of associations, federations and confederations and opinion leaders from 81 provinces.

On Wednesday, March 15th at 8 pm, we will broadcast live on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram through the Social Media accounts named CIVIL SOCIETY VILLAGE and we aim to reach all the members of associations, federations and confederations and all benefactors who cannot come here today.

On this occasion, we wish mercy to the citizens who lost their lives in the earthquake, a speedy recovery to the injured, and invite all of us to be together in this blessed mission. Because we know that the Turkish nation has always managed to be reborn from its ashes.