Asuman Karasabanoglu


Born on 02/02/1954 in Düzce…

His primary education was at Düzce Namık Kemal Primary School…
Starting her secondary education at Düzce High School, she graduated from Nışantaşı Girls’ High School in Istanbul in the 2nd grade…
Higher education (TGSO) Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Ceramics…
His working life started as an assistant to Prof. Jale Yılmabaşar and continued in the fields of ceramics and construction…
He continues as Art and Communication Director…
He is still actively working as ASYAPORT Culture and Art Consultant…
He continued his political life as ANAP (Mother Homeland Party) Istanbul Provincial Deputy Chairman (responsible for NGOs and Culture and Arts, women and youth)…
He has taken part in the boards of directors and trustees of many associations, foundations and platforms since their establishment…
*Turkish Democracy Foundation (dir.krl.member)
*GÖRSAV (visual arts foundation= trustee and currently Vice President)
*TSTK (vice chairman)
*KASTOB (vice president)
*TÜMBİAD (vice president)
*TUMBIKON (gnl. vice president)
*100th YEAR PLATFORM (still founding member)
*Women Breaking the Glass Ceiling Platform (currently Founding President)
*Deputy President of Istanbul Düzceliler Association
And …
Turkey’s oldest goodness movement, the temple of goodness DARULACEZE VOLUNTEER…